Postgraduate workshop: 'Snapshots in Time: Photography and History in Modern China'

min-chin-with-camera-c-ch-foo-and-yw-fooThe British Inter-university China Centre, and the Historical Photographs of China project at the University of Bristol warmly invite applications from Masters and Doctoral students working in modern Chinese and East Asian history to participate in a three-day research training workshop (23-25 June) on the nature and uses of photography in the writing of the history of modern China. The aim is to provide opportunities to expand understandings of the role photography and photographs can play in research and writing by historians.

The workshop’s schedule includes: masterclasses taught by historians and photographers; introduction to the ‘Historical Photographs of China’ Project by Professor Robert Bickers (University of Bristol); and opportunities to discuss postgraduate research.

Keynote address by Professor James Carter (St. Joseph’s University)

To inquire about or register for this workshop please email Dr Sabrina Fairchild (

Deadline for applications: 20 May 2016. Accepted participants will be notified the following week. Applicants should provide: a c.v., and a brief statement outlining their reasons for participating. A subvention towards the cost of UK travel expenses for participants will be available, and accommodation and some meals will be provided.

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